See our video prototype:

Sensory Priming Experience - Video Prototype

Following the COVID-19 lockdowns, it was difficult for the Chau Chak Wing Museum to restore the cultural norm of museum-going. We wanted to invite people to experience museums in a way that inspired discovery in a physical and visceral way. We sought out ways to create an experience unparalleled by the online world, which would preserve the value of museum-going throughout generations.
Focus groups
Our team conducted 2 focus groups, with a total of 8 participants.  Prior to the focus group, we gave participants a cultural probe pack, asking them to draw or write about memorable experiences and sentimental items.
We asked interviewees to draw out a comic of nostalgic childhood memories, to unpack what made experiences memorable, pleasant and surprising. 

Secondary Research
After hearing people recount what they remembered, and how they described their childhood experiences, almost all participants could recount how something felt, smelt or tasted. This led me to research the role that senses play in memory making. I was particular surprised by finding out about the psychosomatic relationship between olfactory senses and memory. This led us to ideate ways to integrate more olfactory interactions into the exhibition.

Disneyland and Van Gogh Exhibits as Design Precedent
Walt Disney's Disneyland is an exhibition often referred to as "magical" and "unforgettable", and has outlasted many other theme parks. As we unpacked what made these experiences so memorable, much of the construction lay in the immersive nature of the park, the use of lighting and careful interior design of each location made visitors feel transported to the world within movies.
 Similarly, one participant who identified as a regular art gallery and museum go-er shared their favourite art gallery experience was Van Gogh's digital exhibit, because of its immersive nature, with projections that covered the floor, walls and ceiling. 

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